This is the first draft of my novel-in-progress - The crew of the starship Dawn visits Planet 542 on a mission of exploration.

Bedside manner

Morgan was Tsui's first patient. He came into sickbay holding his right shoulder. That visual cue tipped Tsui off that he was there as a patient and not as a superior officer coming to welcome the new doctor aboard the ship. She knew it wasn't the appropriate protocol, and it felt odd.

"Doctor Tsui," Morgan greeted her.

"Mr. Dante," she replied.

"Welcome aboard Dawn. You'll have to excuse me for not shaking your hand but..." He wiggled his shoulder a bit as if to demonstrate his injury, and winced.

"Come over here," Tsui led him to one of the beds. Morgan sat down, and Tsui waved a scanner over him.

"What did you do to injure your shoulder?"

"Nothing, Doctor. I must have slept in an awkward position."

"Hmm," Tsui muttered as she examined the results on her scanner. The results indicated that some recent injury had occurred. Not serious, but it indicated that her patient wasn't being forthcoming with her.

The most likely explanation was that he had injured himself in some sports activity and was too embarrassed to tell her the truth. Her diagnosis: in addition to the shoulder injury, the patient also needed treatment for his male ego.

Tsui put down her scanner. She placed one hand on top of Morgan's shoulder and placed her other hand on his arm. She made a slight movement.

"Ow! Doctor!"

"Mr. Dante, are you sure this wasn't a sports injury?"

"Doctor, I uh," Morgan paused and rubbed his shoulder.

"Well?" Tsui asked sternly.

"I uh, maybe overexerted myself at the gym."

Tsui picked up a hypospray and released its contents into Morgan's shoulder. "You need to be honest with your doctor to be sure you receive the correct treatment, hmm Mr. Dante?"

Morgan wiggled his shoulder. The pain was gone. He raised his arm, effortlessly and painlessly above his head. He was amazed. He stood up and turned to face the doctor. She had a no-nonsense look on her face.

"Thank you, Doctor Lucy. And you can call me Morgan."

"I am on this ship only one day - you call me Dr. Tsui. When I have been here long enough and have saved your life, then you call me Doctor Lucy. Mister Dante."

Morgan turned his palms up in the I surrender gesture. "Alright Dr. Tsui. We're just trying to be friendly here. So I read in your service jacket that you're from Toronto?"

"Yes, that's right."

"Ah yes, it's a beautiful place. I went there once, when I was on a backpacking trip near Beijing."

Tsui coughed. "Toronto is not in China. Is in Canada."

Morgan frowned. "Really? That's odd. I'd swear that – well, never mind. Thank you for…" He nodded at his shoulder.

"Be careful in the gym now."

"I will, Doctor," Morgan replied as he walked out.


Blogger orestn said...

The basis of this scene came to me one morning in a dream - the idea of the doctor being rough with a patient who was being not completely honest with her.

There is an ongoing joke here about an assumption that people make about the doctor's origin - I introduced it in a previous scene and I like how it surfaces again in this scene.

11:01 PM  

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